
Meow guys!! And may the cow be with you:D

12.04.2009 в 00:45

Just a living proof, that cameras lie.
didn't u have a shirt like the one heavy has?
12.04.2009 в 01:23

Meow guys!! And may the cow be with you:D
I actually might have!!
12.04.2009 в 01:26

Just a living proof, that cameras lie.
Spaii i was wondering the reason you uploaded pics of them, and the only conclusion i could come up with was both of them wearing your clothes XD
12.04.2009 в 02:40

Meow guys!! And may the cow be with you:D
haha nooo~~ Was just talking to some ppl and i suggested they figure out which one's mine just from a description. They lost
12.04.2009 в 02:42

Just a living proof, that cameras lie.
but wasn't there a pic of ming before ? LOL
12.04.2009 в 19:52

Meow guys!! And may the cow be with you:D
yes there was. ppl i associate with are simply not too bright^^
13.04.2009 в 05:59

Just a living proof, that cameras lie.
Spaii pretty much ._.
15.04.2009 в 18:19

Meow guys!! And may the cow be with you:D
XeNiiTa including u that is^^:bricks:

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