Gow can life suck so much and be so great in the same time? Lol I'm just gonna make a little pro and con list, nothing interesting.... Just for me to get it out of my mind and kinda... sort it all^^
1. Wohoot My great friends!
2. Thnx to Anna for talking to Daniel for me (she told me she'd introduce me to this dude from Gothenburg, who also goes Ib and that got into Oxford)
3. I cleaned my room and now I'm happy^^
4. My hair is growing out and it looks damn nice
5. Hmm just the small nice things... Can't even think of anything else atm...
bad stuffies
1. Stres about me being so lazy and now studying for the exams which are in 34 days btw!
2. The exams being 34 days away!!
3. The EXAMS being.. And me prolly failing them because of not studying enough when I should have...
4. Worrying about not being able to get a job this summer
5. Worrying about not having any money, since I don't have a job and have nowhere else to get money from~~
6. Money for the laptop
7. Money for a new cellphone
8.Money for the moving to Sthlm
9. Money for the stuff I need when I've moved to Stockholm
10. Probably not being able to go away this summer, yet again because of the total abcense of money I hate being a poor student~~
11. The fact that Daniel isn't going to Oxford but to Princeton
12. The fact that Daniel is so into exams and universities and moving that he isn't actually interested in any girls atm
Yeah... Looks like the cons are totally winning... And yet I'm not depressed~~ I guess it can all work out still^^ We'll see, right?
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