Meow guys!! And may the cow be with you:D
So, I've considered all this and decided, that no, I do not want. All the shitty shit going on in my life - do not want. I'm the reason all this is happening and I'll be the one to end it.
So, a quick recap of the situation. The reson for the recap is because I have just reread some of my last posts and realised that not only do I not understand what I have written, but I can barely imagine what it was about altogether.
Shitty shit number one - living with Ming. I am the reason this is happening, and while even when looking back I can't actually see what I should have done differently, the way it is now is wrong. Gotta move out. Will move out. BTW, checked out the queue for the apartments in sthlm - well whaddaya know, I have apparently paied the fee, so I'm still in line. Goody. Now just to wait till Ricky gets internet on her phone and register on one of those paying sites that promise apartments quickly. Shall all go smoothly and awesomely.
Second shitty shit - no job, or part time job, or job not in my area of expertise. Well let's be honest, it's not like I have reeeeeally been looking, have I? So, some organised efforts and the job should be along, I do have experience, my thesis got an A and I am generally a very good worker. Who wouldn't want me, really? The only possible issue is that I would rather not give up Taiwan, so ideally, the job should only be until about January. Well either the perfect job'll come along or the position offered will be so good, I won't mind missing Taiwan. Also totally solvable.
Third thing - health. He it's a bit trickier. I do feel that other than my teeth and bad knees and things, I really mainly just need to relax for a couple of weeks. However with shitty shits one and two, relaxation is not really an option. No job - no moneys - worries. Living at ming's - not comfortable - constant conflicts - no relaxation. But it'll come around.
And as far as boys go - and sure, who wouldn't want a boy? But if I can't actually single out who it is I would actually want to be with, I'm not exactly ready for any sort of relationship, now am I? So let's just let this alone until something truly interesting comes alone.
Positive thinking, love and gratitude to all. This too shall pass.
So, a quick recap of the situation. The reson for the recap is because I have just reread some of my last posts and realised that not only do I not understand what I have written, but I can barely imagine what it was about altogether.
Shitty shit number one - living with Ming. I am the reason this is happening, and while even when looking back I can't actually see what I should have done differently, the way it is now is wrong. Gotta move out. Will move out. BTW, checked out the queue for the apartments in sthlm - well whaddaya know, I have apparently paied the fee, so I'm still in line. Goody. Now just to wait till Ricky gets internet on her phone and register on one of those paying sites that promise apartments quickly. Shall all go smoothly and awesomely.
Second shitty shit - no job, or part time job, or job not in my area of expertise. Well let's be honest, it's not like I have reeeeeally been looking, have I? So, some organised efforts and the job should be along, I do have experience, my thesis got an A and I am generally a very good worker. Who wouldn't want me, really? The only possible issue is that I would rather not give up Taiwan, so ideally, the job should only be until about January. Well either the perfect job'll come along or the position offered will be so good, I won't mind missing Taiwan. Also totally solvable.
Third thing - health. He it's a bit trickier. I do feel that other than my teeth and bad knees and things, I really mainly just need to relax for a couple of weeks. However with shitty shits one and two, relaxation is not really an option. No job - no moneys - worries. Living at ming's - not comfortable - constant conflicts - no relaxation. But it'll come around.
And as far as boys go - and sure, who wouldn't want a boy? But if I can't actually single out who it is I would actually want to be with, I'm not exactly ready for any sort of relationship, now am I? So let's just let this alone until something truly interesting comes alone.
Positive thinking, love and gratitude to all. This too shall pass.