Random lolz. Andy from the previous post is chinese btw, so how he manages to look like olly murs is beyond me. Also, totally forgot to eat yesterday, didn't have time today until after meeting Ricky. Ate like there's no tomorrow. Unfortunately I tasted the BBQ sauce before wiping it off. An hour after had to throw up, just began to feel a bit better now, so gonna try and eat. Gotta eat or u die, yaknow.
Also had a fight with mommy again. First yesterday, i got so upset i couldn't sleep, so tried talking to her today but it only became worse. But my physical state atm, with no sleep no food is really quite sad.
Aaand finally, was just thinking about the different types of diary users. I don't comment, i barely ever write but i do love to read. And preferably, other people's diaries rather than communities, even though i do love just for us girls.
Anywho, tootles. Methinks I prolly won't be living in sthlm much longer. Oh shoot me in the head...